12 January 2013

Homemade Tortillas

I thought I'd make a quick and easy meal a few nights ago, so I pulled out the Taco kit, courtesy of Old El Paso. My two young boys, aged 2.5 and 4 just loved it. They loved it so much, that there were no soft tortillas left for my husband, who was yet to come home from work. We live in a remote Australian town, so I did not have the convenience of popping down to the supermarket. What to do? how hard can it be? Well, it turns out..............it's not that hard, and so much tastier too!

2 cups plain flour
1/2 tsp fine salt
3/4 water (room temperature)
4 tblspoon vegetable oil

  • Place flour and salt in a large bowl.
  • Add oil and water.
  • Mix with a spoon, then gather up dough in the bowl with your hands to form a ball.
  • Let rest for about 10 minutes.
  • Divide dough into 8 portions.
  • Knead a portion a little, then roll into a circle.

Divide dough into 8 portions
Roll out a portion, approx 3" circle

Heat a heavy based pan on the stove.
Cook tortilla, until golden brown speckles form, then turn over and cook until the same.

Golden brown speckles


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