23 November 2012

Nigella Cupcakes

125g Self raising flour
125g caster sugar
125g soft unsalted butter
2 eggs
½tsp vanilla extract
2 tblspoon milk

Method (in a food processor)
  • Preheat oven to 200°C, line 12 bun muffin tin with paper cases.
  • Place all ingredients in a processor and blitz until smooth.
  • Pulse while adding the milk to get a dropping consistency.
Method(hand and wooden spoon)
  • Preheat oven to 200°C, line 12 bun muffin tin with paper cases.
  • Cream butter & sugar
  • Beat in eggs 1 at a time (with a little of the flour)
  • Add vanilla extract then fold in the rest of the flour
  • Add milk to get the dropping consistency
Bake for 15-20 minutes until cooked and golden on top. Let cool a few minutes then remove with cases and place, right side up, on a wire rack.

Once they are cool, I like to make up a batch of
  • 125g soft unsalted butter
  • 1½cups (240g) icing mixture
  • 2 tblspoon milk
Beat butter with electric mixer until as white as possible.
Gradually beat in about half the sugar, then add the rest of the sugar and milk.
Flavour and colour as desired, I have never added any flavour and they still are a big hit in our household.
Dollop them on cakes or decorate as desired

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